Военные сочинения Ф.И. Дмитриева-Мамонова

2018. № 5, 62-72

М. Ю. Осокин, кандидат филологических наук, Москва


Two military books published by Brigadier General F.I. Dmitriev-Mamonov, «Epistle From A General To His Subordinate» (1770) and «Rules for officers»
(1771), have come from different sources. The first one has been rewritten in verses of military instructions in addition of some parts of Sébastien Vauban’s
treatise «De L'Attaque et de la Defense Des Places» and it describes the art of war from advance and halts to fortification and capture of a fortress. The second
book is more autobiographical and it advises military officers how to be success in their career path and to get promotion without any participation in combat.